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Waldorf Games Handbook

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Waldorf Games Handbook For The Early Years
Games to Play and Sing with Children aged 3 - 7

 This Waldorf Games Handbook for playing and singing with young children contains 142 games including finger and clapping games, beanbag and skipping games, tumblins, water and chasing games, and story and singing games.  Throughout the book the games focus on children's growth and veleopment, and how this is expressed in movement and play.  Each game is clearly and simply described, with diagrams and drawings for how to play it.  Parents, teachers, forest school educators and play leaders will find this a must-have resource:

- Tried and tested, age appropriate, for engaging children aged 3 to 7
- Develops language, co-ordination, the sens, relationships and movement
- Draws on Waldorf creative early years educations and Spatial Dynamics

The games' magic weaving of rhythms, movement, songs, stories and pictures invites children into worlds of vibrant wonder and fun.  Children feel more at ease in their bodies, build relationnships and enjoy play.  The Handbook draws on Steiner-Waldorf early years creative education, where a 'child's work is their play.'  Tuips are given on how to work with introverted, unfocused or overdominant children.  There are also new games created specifically to balance overexposure to our digital culture.

This New handbook is based on two titles no longer in print - Games Children Play by Kim John Payne and Games Children Sing and Play by Valerie Baadh Garrett and the late Joan Carr Shimer.  It has both traditional favourites and new games particularly relevant for today's children.  The authors Kim John Payne, Cory Waletzko and Valerie Baadh Garrett draw on both the movement work of the Spacial Dynamics Institute and on Steiner-Waldorf Education.

131 pages
Author: Kim John Payne, Cory Waletzko and Valerie Baadh Garrett
Editions: Hawthorn Press
ISBN: 9781912480265